I love Christmas music – mostly. I treasure the familiar
holiday songs from childhood, and I adore the sacred carols. But some seasonal
tunes make me wanna deck the halls with more than pretty decorations.
So here we go. Let’s
take a look – and a listen.
Here begins a countdown of 25 Cringe-Worthy Christmas Songs.
Agree or disagree – there’s no accounting for taste.
But I want to apologize right from the start, as these
annoying songs are likely to stick in your head for a while, as they do in
Aaaaargh! And away we
Cover your ears. Here comes #25 in Delightfully Amiss’
countdown of 25 Cringe-Worthy Christmas Songs.
Honestly, I’m a long-time McCartney fan. But this one makes
me want to take Maxwell’s Silver Hammer and hit myself in the head.
Ding-dong! Ding-dong!

Be sure to follow, like, or bookmark this
site, so you can find it again easily. C'mon back throughout the Christmas
season to hear the entire medley or 25 Cringe-Worthy Christmas Songs.
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25 Cringe-Worthy
Christmas Songs –
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Oh yeah. As soon as I heard the opening bars the cringing began. Do you have a blog of mind clearing music? You could make millions by providing proper antidotal songs!