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Location Is Everything … Even for Laundry

Location, location, location. It’s all about location. Ask any real estate agent. Nah, just ask me after I do a load of laundry.

I don’t hate laundry. In fact, sometimes I find it oddly therapeutic to toss dirty duds into the washing machine. And there’s something somewhat soothing about folding cozy, warm, fresh-from-the-dryer items.

But something is amiss in my laundry room.

Let me point out, for the sake of domestic tranquility (an oxymoron, if I ever heard one), that I am abundantly grateful to have a fully operable washer and dryer. I appreciate indoor plumbing all that goes with it.

Still, there’s something wrong with this picture.

Can you tell what’s the matter here?

This is what happens if the primary laundry machine user is out of the house when the new appliances arrive, and the rocket scientist instructs the installers.

That’s right. These babies are power-packed, fully automated space-age wonders. Still, there’s something about their juxtaposition that even a cave man might recognize as downright wrong.

The rocket scientist was surely well-intentioned. But I'd be willing to bet he's scratching his own head over this one. Of course, he'll never say so.  

Laundry Room
Photo by Linda Ann Nickerson/Nickers and Ink

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1 comment:

  1. SOMEBODY has to defend the poor RS! He had to place the machines according to the utilities in the wall. You can't just put the dryer where the waterlines are and the washer where the exhaust pipe is located! Whoever went shopping for the new appliances did not make sure she(?) picked the appropriately "doored" machines.

    Another point: Refrigerators can have their door's swing reversed. Can these?
